
  1. Order of the Dannebrog Breast Stars of Danish Sculptor Albert Bertel Thorvaldsen

    About cavalier https://asiamedals.info/threads/miniatures-of-a-danish-sculptor-albert-bertel-thorvaldsen.27787/#post-362991 Albert Thorvaldsen was awarded with the Grand Commander Cross of the Order of the Dannebrog on November 19, 1839 /after his death cross was returned to the Chapter of the...
  2. Lieutenant General Takeo Hori/ 堀丈夫 陸軍中将

    https://generals.dk/general/Hori/Takeo/Japan.html https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%A0%80%E4%B8%88%E5%A4%AB He tied up his Kite https://asiamedals.info/threads/repaired-kites.23236/#post-347086 In addition to the commandeur badge of Légion d'honneur he is wearing Danish Dannebrogordenen.