Privately-comissioned /this attribution was confirmed by the Chapter of the Orders of the Danish Royal House/ order of the Elephant with the cipher of King Christian VII (1766-1808) that was once donated to the collection of American Numismatic Society by J. Sanford Saltus (1853-1922). Order was...
danishorderofchivalrydanishorderof the elephant
orderof the elephant
orderof the elephant king christian vii
privately-comissioned orderof the elephant
Silver, gold, enamel.
Collection of Nordic Museum, Stockholm.
Prince Gustaf of Sweden and Norway, Duke of Uppland (Frans Gustaf Oscar, 18 June 1827 – 24 September 1852), also known officially as Gustav, was the second son of Oscar I of Sweden and Josephine of Leuchtenberg, and the younger...
danishorderofchivalrydanishorderof the elephant
orderof the elephant
orderof the elephant breast star
orderof the elephant breast star of prince gustaf
Set that was awarded on October 15, 2023 to Prince Christian who celebrated his 18th birthday on the very same day.
Prince Christian of Denmark, Count of Monpezat, RE (Christian Valdemar Henri John; born 15 October 2005) is a member of the Danish royal family. He is the eldest child of...
danishorderofchivalrydanishorderof the elephant
orderof the elephant
orderof the elephant awarded in 2023
prince christian of denmark
prince christian of denmark awards
Golden bar with enameled medallions of five orders fitted as a clasp on Order of Fidelity riband. Baden, House Order of Fidelity; Denmark, Order of the Elephant, with elephant as on badge; Prussia, Order of the Black Eagle; Sweden, Order of the Seraphim; Denmark, Order of the Elephant, with...
charles frederick grand duke of baden awards
charles frederick grand duke of baden miniature
danishorderofchivalrydanishorderof the elephant
miniature medal bar with the orderof elephant
miniature riband bar of grand duke of baden
orderof elephant miniature
See also index thread devoted to Talleyrand awards
White skin lining pen-marked by Danish maker Christian Gregersen Hielm (1758-1817).
Practically identical breast star that belong to Napoleon I...
breast star of the orderof the elephant
charles maurice de talleyrand-périgord
charles maurice de talleyrand-périgord awards
charles maurice de talleyrand-périgord orders
danishorderofchivalrydanishorderof the elephant
orderof the elephant
orderof the elephant awarded in 1815
orderof the elephant awarded to talleyrand
Virtually unknown French manufacturer.
Specimen from the collection of Musée de la Légion d'honneur
C.H. Vernet, Palaise Royal 34 Paris.
breast star of the orderof the elephant
danishorderofchivalrydanishorderof the elephant
elephant order in the musée de la légion d'honneur
orderof the elephant breast star made by vernet
orderof the elephant made by c.h.vernet
Portrait of Peter the Great by Benedikt Kofra court painter of the Danish king. Most likely it was painted in the summer or autumn of 1716 when the tsar was on a long visit to Copenhagen.
breast star of the orderof the elephant
embroidered breast star orderof the elephant
orderof the elephant
peter i awards
peter i’s breast star of elephant order
орден слона петра i
augustus ii the strong
augustus ii the strong awards
augustus ii’s breast star of the elephant order
breast star of the orderof the elephant
danishorderofchivalrydanishorderof the elephant
orderof the elephant
orderof the elephant breast star
orderof the elephant embroidered breast star
Private collection.
Photos courtesy of the owner.
Gold, enamel.
Originates from a chain that can be attributed to either Landgraf Friedrich von Hessen (Knight of the Elephant May 19, 1801) or Landgraf Carl von Hessen (Knight of the Elephant June 20, 1766).
danishorderofchivalrydanishorderof the elephant
landgraf carl von hessen
landgraf von hessen
miniature orderof the elephant
ndgraf friedrich von hessen
orderof the elephant
orderof the elephant of landgraf von hessen
danishorderofchivalrydanishorderof the elephant
modern orderof the elephant
orderof the elephant
reign of margrethe ii of denmark
danishorderofchivalrydanishorderof the elephant
medallion of the orderof the elephant
orderof the elephant
orderof the elephant medallion
orderof the elephant miniature
orderof the elephant officiant’s badge
orderof the elephant officiant’s miniature badge
orderofficiant’s badge
Finnish military leader and statesman Baron Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim became knight of the Order of the Elephant on February 18, 1919. After his death in 1951 insignia of the order was returned to the Ordenskapellet (Order Chapter). In 1964, the Mannerheim Museum was granted permission by King...
baron carl gustaf emil mannerheim awards
danishorderofchivalrydanishorderof the elephant
king frederick viii’s orderof the elephant
king frederick viii’s travel copy
mannerheim's orderof the elephant
orderof the elephant
The Star of the Order of the Elephant in gold and silver embroidery with pearls and table-cut stones.
Made for Christian V’s anointing robes in 1671.
Comparative size of this huge star...
christian v’s star of the orderof the elephant
danishorderofchivalrydanishorderof the elephant
orderof the elephant
orderof the elephant breast star
orderof the elephant with pearls
star of the orderof the elephant with pearls
Brilliants on gold and enamel.
Star of the Order of the Elephant, to be worn on the doublet of the Anointing Dress.
Made for Christian VI by Frederik (I) Fabritius in 1731.
In good company in Rosenborg Castle.
brilliant star of the orderof the elephant
christian vi’s orderof the elephant
danishorderofchivalrydanishorderof the elephant
orderof the elephant
orderof the elephant breast star
The Insignia of the Order of the Elephant, set with diamonds, rubies and sapphires, and Frederik V’s monogram.
Made for Prince Frederik, the Heir Presumptive, by J.F. Fistaine, 1772.
On display in Rosenborg Castle.
danishorderofchivalrydanishorderof the elephant
orderof the elephant
orderof the elephant with diamonds
orderof the elephant with rubies and sapphires
Miniature Order of the Elephant, the tower of which is made into a whistle.
It was used by Christian V during hunts in the Deer Park, north of Copenhagen.
Gold, stones, enamel.
Made by Paul Kurtz, 1670’s.
christian v’s miniature orderof the elephant
christian v’s orderof the elephant
danishorderofchivalrydanishorderof the elephant
orderof the elephant
Ninth president of Finland (from 1982 to 1994) Mauno Henrik Koivisto was awarded with the Order of the Elephant on April 20, 1983.
Interesting Elephant.
Inside original case with the order breast star.
danishorderofchivalrydanishorderof the elephant
orderof the elephant
orderof the elephant awarded in 1983
orderof the elephant awarded to koivisto