chinese red cross badge

  1. University of Nanking Red Cross Badge/金陵大学学生军红十字章

    Obverse 金陵大學 - University of Nanking
  2. Guangdong Disaster Relief Charity Association Badge/廣東賑災慈善會章

    Suspension 廣東賑災慈善會章 - Guangdong Disaster Relief Charity Association Badge
  3. National Society of Rescue and Relief for Struggling Soldiers Commemorative Medal/民国二十一年春国难战士救护慰劳会纪念章

    Silver, enamel. Obverse 國難战士救護慰勞會 - National Society of Rescue and Relief for Struggling Soldiers 紀念章 - Commemorative Medal reverse 二十一年春 - Spring 1932 Marked with silver mark.
  4. 1922 Hankou Charity Society Bronze Statue of Li Yuanhong Commemorative Medals/中華民國十一年慈漢口慈善會建树黎公铜像纪念章

    In June 1922 in order to commemorate Li Yuanhong philanthropic deeds the Hankou Charity Society built a bronze statue of him and install it in front of the headquarters entrance. Medal of 1st type. Silver, gilt, enamel. Obverse 慈 - Kindness; Compassion 漢口慈善會建树黎公铜像纪念章 - Hankou Charity...
  5. Anhui Emergency Relief Association Commemorative Badge/中外一家安徽急賑會紀念章

    "The Jiangsu-Anhui flood of 1911 was a calamitous event that inundated a series of provinces in central and eastern China. This came as a result of the overflowing of a number of significant waterways, most notably the Yangzi and the Huai rivers. Subsequently, the flooding was concentrated in...