Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner.
昭和九年 - 1934
海軍大觀兵式 - Grand Naval Review
奉仕少年團 - Attendance Shonendan [Boy Scouts]
記念章 - Commemorative Badge
Different Boy Scout Associations called Shonendan [Boy Scouts] existed in pre-war Japan...
英国皇太子殿下 - His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of England
御来朝記念 - Commemoration of the Imperial Visit
少年団日本ジャンボリー - Boy Scouts of Japan Jamboree (large rally of Scouts)
大正十ー年四月十五日 - April 15, 1922
Size 25×20 mm.
In the early 1910s, five Boy Scout Associations called Shonendan [Boy Scouts] existed in Japan, almost all of which were modelled after British Boy Scouting and merged with Japanese traditional models of boys' groups. Most likely this badge was issued by one of these...