blueribbonhonormedalblueribbonmedal of honorblueribbonmedal of honor awarded in 1967
japanese award medalmedalblueribbon
japanese blueribbonhonormedal
japanese blueribbonmedal of honor
In toto 941 Blue Ribbon medals of honor were awarded in 1984.
Awarded on November 3, 1984.
Reverse engraved
保積英次 - Eiji Hozumi
Reverse of the ribbon bar marked with "FG".
Original case.
Early medal. Private collection. Photos courtesy of the owner.
Awarded on March 9, 1885 (medal was established in 1881, first medals were issued in 1882) to Nakamichi Daikichi /中道代吉/.
Very early case.
blueribbonhonormedalblueribbonmedal of honor awarded in 1885
japanese blueribbonhonormedal
japanese blueribbonmedal of honor
japanese medal of honor
japanese medal of honour
4th class rising sun order awarded in 1970
4th class rising sun order from showa era
blueribbonhonormedalblueribbonhonormedal awarded in 1958
japanese awards and decorations
japanese blueribbonhonormedal
rising sun order
rising sun order award document