bereaved families relief association badge

  1. Sumiyoshi Soldier's Bereaved Families Support Association Badge/住吉軍人遺家族援護組合章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Size 29 x 39 mm. 住吉軍人遺家族 - Sumiyoshi [Ward] Soldier Bereaved Family Sumiyoshi is one of 24 wards of Osaka, Japan. It is located on the southern part of the Uemachi Plateau, in the southernmost part of Osaka City, and is separated from Sakai City's Sakai-ku and...
  2. Military Bereaved Family Support Union Official`s Badge/軍人遺家族援護組合役員御徽章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Obverse 長池 - Pond [Reservoir] Chief 援護 - Support 軍人遺家族援護組合役員 - Military Bereaved Family Support Union Official Case (most likely not original to the badge). 御徽章- Badge of Honour Inside label of Toridzu workshop. 鳥津寳玉堂謹製 - made by Toridzu Precious Jade...
  3. Soldier’s Bereaved Families Relief Association Membership Badge/軍人遺族救護義會會員徽章

    Forerunner of the Imperial Soldier’s Relief League. 1st type badges. 1st variation was manufactured by Gyokuhō workshop in Tokyo. Photo courtesy of the owner. Reverse 軍人遺族 - Soldier’s [Military Personnel] Bereaved Family 救護義會 - Relief Association 會員徽章 - Membership Badge Original case...