badge made by shobido

  1. 1914 Taisho Enthronement Commemorative Watch Fobs from Osaka Mainichi Shimbun Newspaper/大正三年十一月大阪毎日新聞社御大典記念章

    1st variation "square loop". Size 34 x 32 mm. Thickness 2 mm. Weight 15 g. Obverse Inside the banners 萬歳 - Banzai (in regular and seal scripts) 御即位大典記念 - Enthronement Commemorative reverse 第壹万壹千號記念 - [Emperor live and reign for] Ten Thousand of Ten Thousand Years Commemorative 優待 -...
  2. Wakayama City Self-Government Merit Badge/和歌山市自治功労章

    Suspension obverse 自治功労章 - Self-Government Merit Badge suspension reverse Engraved 第六十三號 - No. 63 Marked with SBD for Shobido workshop and 純銀 - pure silver. Obverse Wakayama city emblem with 和 for 和歌山 - Wakayama...
  3. 1939 Japanese Dog Association 1st Exhibition Award Watch Fob/皇紀二五九九年日本国犬協会第一回展優勝章

    Obverse 優勝 - Championship/Victory 日本國犬協會 - Japanese Dog Association n engraved 松月 - Shogetsu reverse 第一回展 - 1st Exhibition engraved 文部省 - Ministry of Education 天然記念物 - Natural Monument 指定犬 - Designated Dog 皇紀二五九九年 - 1939 Marked 純銀 - Pure Silver Original case. Watch fobs were...
  4. Hyogo Prefecture Education Society Merit Badge/財団法人兵庫縣教育會功勞章

    Obverse 教 in a circle for "Education" 功勞章 - Merit Badge reverse 表彰 - Commendation 昭和十三年十一月四日 - November 4, 1938 財団法人 - Foundation 兵庫縣教育會 - Hyogo Prefecture Education Society Marked 純銀 - pure silver. Original case. Badges were manufactured by Shobido workshop in Osaka...
  5. 1923 Osaka City Award Badge for the Excellent Practitioner/大正12年大阪市優良從業者標章

    Size 25 mm. Obverse 賞 - Award reverse 大阪市 - Osaka City 優良從業者 - Excellent Practitioner [從業者 - person in a certain business or industry; practitioner; professional] 標章 - Badge 大正十二年 - 1923 Original case. Badge was made by Shobido workshop...
  6. Imperial Soldiers' Relief Association Silver Imperial Awarding Ceremony Commemorative Bonbonniere/帝國軍人後援會御親授式記念ボンボニエール

    Size 89 x 40 mm. Thickness 10 mm. Weight 46 g. 御親授式記念 - Imperial Awarding Ceremony [i.e. ceremony in which the Emperor directly presents award to the recipient) Commemorative 昭和八年 - 1933 帝國軍人後援會 - Imperial Soldiers' Relief Association Original case. Bonbonnieres were manufactured by...
  7. 1932 Army Special Large Maneuvers Osaka Prefecture Committee Member's Badge/昭和七年陸軍特別大演習大阪府委員章

    1st variation. Reverse 昭和七年陸軍特別大演習大阪府委員章 - 1932 Army Special Large Maneuvers Committee Member's Badge 大阪府 - Osaka Prefecture Marked 純銀 - Pure Silver SBD for 尚美堂 /Shobido/ workshop Original case with Shobido...
  8. 1932 Osaka Imperial Inspection Commemorative Badge/昭和七年御親閲拜受記念章

    Indirectly related to the large maneuvers ; 1st variation "blue enamel"...
  9. 1932 Large Army Special Maneuvers Nara Prefecture Committee Member Badge/奈良県 陸軍特別大演習委員徽章

    High quality silver badge. Obverse 奈 for 奈良県 - Nara Prefecture reverse 昭和七年 - 1932 陸軍特別大演習委員徽章 - Large Army Special Maneuvers Committee Member Badge Marked SBD for Shobido workshop, Osaka and 純銀 - pure silver...
  10. Japanese Cruiser Haguro Commemorative Watch Fob/軍艦羽黒乘組記念章

    Obverse はぐろ- Haguro Reverse 軍艦羽黒乘組記念 - Warship Haguro Crew Commemorative 第一士官次室 - 1st Gunroom (i.e. junior officers' mess that is occupied by the officers below the rank of lieutenant). 2591 = 1931 Marked SBD for Shobido, Osaka...