aviation civil golden kite badge

  1. Aviation Diligence Badge from the Ministry of Communications/遞信省 航空有功章 航空勤勞章

    Established on September 12, 1941 by Ministry of Communications Ordinance No. 83. Badge was awarded by the Minister of Communications to aircraft crew members, flight radio operators and maintenance workers with outstanding skills for long and diligent work. It could also be awarded to persons...
  2. Friends of the Military Association Supporter Badge in the form of Golden Kite order/軍友会賛助章

    See also these badges made in the form of Golden Kite order https://asiamedals.info/threads/matsumoto-kobushi-association-badge.29135/ ; https://asiamedals.info/threads/comrades-in-arms-associations-badges.14680/#post-219095. 1st variation. Obverse 賛助 - Support; Patronage 軍友會 - Friends of...