army japanese paperweight

  1. 118th Infantry Regiment Monument Completion Commemorative Paperweight/昭和55年11月2日歩兵百十八聯隊記念碑竣工文鎮

    歩兵百十八聯隊 - 118th Infantry Regiment 記念碑竣工 - Monument Completion Commemorative 昭和55年11月2日 - November 2, 1980
  2. 1942 Minister of War Commendation Commemorative Ceramic Paperweight/昭和十七年三月三菱重工業株式会社名古屋発動機製作所陸軍大臣表彰記念文鎮

    Size 100 mm. Weight 172 g. Made in the form of piston engine. Back 昭和十七年三月 - March 1942 陸軍大臣表彰記念 - Minister of Commendation War Commemorative 三菱重工業 株式会社 - Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd 名古屋発動機製作所 - Nagoya Engine Works Nagoya Engine Works was one of the main aircraft engines...