
  1. Nagano Prefecture Industrial Patriotic Association Good Conduct Badge/長野県産業報国会善行章

    Height 31 mm. Obverse 善行 - Good Conduct/Good Deeds reverse 長野縣産業報国會 - Nagano Prefecture Industrial Patriotic Association Emblem
  2. Sakoe Town Good Conduct Badge/榮生善行章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 善行章 - Good Conduct Badge 榮生 - Sakoe /town in Nishi Ward, Nagoya City , Aichi Prefecture/
  3. Taiwan Governor's Office Good Conduct Badge/台湾総督府善行章

    No. 691 Suspension 善行章 - Good Conduct Badge reverse 台湾総督府 - Taiwan Governor's Office Punched number 691 Original case.
  4. Niigata Hunting Association Good Deeds Badge/新潟県猟友会善行章

    Obverse 善行 - Good Deed 新潟県猟友会 Niigata Hunting Association marked 洋銀 - German Silver (Neusilber)
  5. Japan Seafarers Relief Association Good Deeds Badge/日本海員掖済会善行章

    1st variation. 日本海員掖済會 - Japan Seafarers Relief Association 善行章 - Good Deeds /Good Conduct; Benevolence/ Badge Original case. Badge was made by Suzukisei workshop.
  6. Good Conduct Badge of Greater Japanese Empire Wounded Soldiers Association/大日本傷痍軍人會 善行章

    Reverse horizontally 大日本傷痍軍人會 - Greater Japanese Empire Wounded Soldiers Association vertically 善行章 - Good Conduct Badge Original case.