
  1. Meiji Mining Co., Ltd. Continuous Service Award Badge/明治鉱業株式会社表彰勤績章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 勤績章 - Continuous Service Badge 表彰 - Award reverse 明治鑛業株式會社 - Meiji Mining Co., Ltd. Meiji Mining Co., Ltd. was founded by Keiichiro Yasukawa in January 1908. Company began with coal mining in the...
  2. Yamaguchi Prefecture Keibodan Association Long Service Badge/財団法人山口県警防義会勤績章

    Obverse 勤續章 - Continuous Service Badge reverse 財團法人山口縣 - Foundation Yamaguchi Prefecture 警防義會 - Keibō Yoshi-Kai Case with a label of Kyuhodo workshop inside https://asiamedals.info/threads/products-and-marks-of-kyuhodo-workshop-hiroshima.22681/ Case lid without any inscriptions.
  3. Governor-General of Korea Postal Long Service Badge/朝鮮總督府勤績章

  4. Governor-General of Korea Postal Long Service Badges/朝鮮總督府勤績章

    1936. Obverse Post office emblem https://asiamedals.info/forums/ministry-of-communications-post-office-badges.632/ 勤績 - Attendance/Long Service reverse 昭和十一年十月一日 - October 1, 1936 (date engraved) 勤績章 - Attendance Badge 朝鮮總督府 - Governor-General of Korea Marked 純銀 - pure silver.
  5. Chiba Prefecture Industrial Patriotic Service Association 10 Years Attendance Badge/大日本産業報国会十年勤績章

    Obverse 勤績 - Attendance reverse 千葉縣産業報國會 - Chiba Prefecture Industrial Patriotic Service Association 十年勤績章 - 10 Years Attendance Badge Original case. 勤績章 - Attendance Badge 千葉縣産業報國會 - Chiba Prefecture Industrial Patriotic Service Association
  6. Aomori Prefecture Keibō Yoshi-kai 10 Years Continuous Service Badge/青森縣警防義會拾年勤績章

    Obverse 十年 - 10th Years 勤績章 - Continuous Service Badge reverse 拾年勤績章 - 10 Years Continuous Service Badge 青森縣警防義會 - Aomori Prefecture Keibō Yoshi-kai /Police Defense Convention/