
  1. 2nd class Merit Badge of Great Japan Sericulture Association/大日本蚕糸会第二種功績章

    1st variation made by Suzuki Umekichi workshop. Silver, gilt, enamel. Size 31 mm. Weight 14.7 g. Reverse 第弐種功績章 - 2nd Class Merit Badge /功績 - merit; achievements; meritorious service; meritorious deed/ Original case. 第弐種功績章 - 2nd Class Merit Badge 大日本蠶絲會 - Great Japan Sericulture...
  2. 1930 Japan National Census Taker’s Badge/昭和五年國勢調査徽章

    Established on July 4, 1930. Badge was worn on the left chest as an enumerator ID badge. Surveyors were allowed to keep the badge after the end of survey. Taiwan version of the badge https://asiamedals.info/threads/government-general-of-taiwan-census-takers-badges.24400/#post-364646 Karafuto...
  3. 1895 Conquering Qing Commemorative Medal from Kita Yatsushiro Village/明治廿八年征清念記征軍兵士篠原熊吉君北ハ代青年義勇團贈章

    Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 征清念記 - Conquering Qing Commemorative reverse engraved 明治廿八年 - 1895 贈 - Gift 征軍兵士篠原熊吉君 - Expeditionary Army Soldier Kumakichi Shinohara 北ハ代青年義勇團 - Kita Yatsushiro [Village] Youth Volunteer Corps
  4. Merit Badges from Tokyo Self-Government Appreciation Conferences/東京市 功勞自治感謝之會章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/8th-tokyo-city-town-council-officer-award-commemorative-badge-1942.25240/ 1934 badge. Obverse 自治 - Self-Government Reverse 第二回功勞自治感謝之會 - 2ndSelf-Government Appreciation of Meritorious Service Conference 東京市 - Tokyo City Original case...