3rd class sacred treasure order

  1. 3rd class Sacred Treasure order made by Shobido workshop awarded to a Commander of the Osaka Army Arsenal in 1926

    About the cavalier https://asiamedals.info/threads/3rd-class-rising-sun-order-awarded-to-a-commander-of-the-osaka-army-arsenal-in-1934.29144/ Awarded on September 25, 1926. Marked with maker's mark 美 for Shobido workshop...
  2. 3rd class Sacred Treasure order posthumously awarded in 2007 to Japanese information theorist Tadao Kasami

    Full set that was posthumously awarded on Match 18, 2007 to a noted Japanese information theorist Tadao Kasami who made significant contributions to error correcting codes. Marked "BZ".
  3. 3rd class Sacred Treasure order marked M order awarded in 1945

    Assuming that the group is 100% authentic, this is the latest coordinate for the M mark on the actually issued Japanese order https://asiamedals.info/threads/mark-m-on-japanese-orders-and-medals-who-and-when.14818/ Certificate No. 1 765 103 issued on June 30, 1945 /only two months left...
  4. 3rd class Sacred Treasure order awarded in 1894 to Colonel a la Suite and Commander of the 3rd Cavalry Brigade No. 32 Georg Freiherr von Ende

    Very rare document issued on September 11, 1894 /First Sino-japanese War/. Sacred Treasure order No. 398 issued to a foreigner.