
  1. Mikasa Preservation Society Showa Enthronement Commemorative Watch Fob/財團法人三笠保存会御即位大禮記念章

    See https://asiamedals.info/threads/battleship-mikasa-preservation-society-commemorative-watch-fob.25869/ Size 25 mm. Obverse 三笠 - Mikasa reverse 千慮不惑 /Senryo Fuwaku/ - 1000 Considerations [much thought], Following Right Course [has no doubts]. Kotowaza (Japanese proverb) by Kitagawa...
  2. 1928 Enthronement Ceremony Large Military Parade Attendance Commemorative Badge/1928年大元帥陛下御親閲御即位大禮大観兵式参列記念章

    Large Naval Review badge https://asiamedals.info/threads/1928-enthronement-ceremony-large-naval-review-attendance-commemorative-badge-1928.28920/ Obverse 萬歲 - Banzai reverse 大元帥陛下御親閲 - His Majesty Grand Marshal of the Japanese Empire Personal Inspection 御即位大禮 - Enthronement Ceremony...
  3. Showa Enthronement Commemorative Watch Fobs made by Japanese Mint/御即位大禮記念章

    Japanese Mint made several versions of Showa Enthronement commemorative table medals, watch fobs ans sake cups. Rare advertising leaflet of Mitsukoshi department store (seller of these medals and watch fobs). Watch fob were minted in three metals: gold, silver and bronze. Table...