
  1. Akita Prefecture Fire Brigade Long-Service Badges/新潟縣消防組員勤續章

    20 years badge. 1930 variation /unmarked/. Silver, enamel. Obverse 勤續章 - Continuous Service Badge reverse 消防組員二十年勤續之証 - 20 years of Continuous Service as a Firefighter [Fire Brigade Member] 新潟縣 - Niigata Prefecture 昭和五年 - 1930
  2. Ministry of Communications Long-service Badge (female version)/逓信省勤續章 (女子用)

    Obverse Symbol 〒 https://asiamedals.info/threads/symbol-of-japanese-post-yubin-maku-and-its-history.24108/ reverse 逓信省 - Ministry of Communications. Original description of the badge. 逓信省 - Ministry of Communications 勤續章 - Long-service Badge 女子用 - For Women
  3. Ministry of Communications Long-service Badge (male version)/逓信省勤續章 (男子用)

    Reverse 逓信省 - Ministry of Communications. Original description of the badge. Original case. Originally badge was sewed to the lodgement. 逓信省 - Ministry of Communications 勤續章 - Long-service Badge 男子用 - For Men Ink stamps on the edge.
  4. Continuous Service Badge from Kyoto Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association/帝国在郷軍人會京都支部勤續章

    1st variation. Reverse 京都支部 - Kyoto Branch 勤續章 - Continuous Service Badge
  5. Nakajima Aircraft Company Long-service Badges/中島飛行機株式会社勤續章

    10 Years of Continuous Service badge. 1st variation. Size 28 x 22 mm. Weight 20 g. Reverse 拾年勤続章 - Badge for 10 Years of Continuous Service 紀元二六〇〇年記念 - 2600th Anniversary of the Founding of the Empire Commemorative 中島飛行機 株式会社 - Nakajima Aircraft Co., Ltd. Marked 銀 - silver...