
  1. Early Meiji Era Hat Badges of Japanese Ministry of Communications/明治時代逓信省帽章

    Assumed attribution. See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/japanese-postal-hat-badges.24139/ Symbol 〒 in the center https://asiamedals.info/threads/symbol-of-japanese-post-yubin-maku-and-its-history.24108/
  2. Ministry of Communications Diligence Medal/逓信省精勤之章 

    Reverse 精勤之章 - Diligence; Good Attendance Medal/Badge
  3. Ministry of Communications Badge/逓信省章

    Anonymous. Obverse Symbol 〒 https://asiamedals.info/threads/symbol-of-japanese-post-yubin-maku-and-its-history.24108/
  4. Ministry of Communications Perfect Attendance Badges/逓信省皆勤章

    Male version of the badge. 1st variation "early badges". Size 20 mm. Obverse Stylized kanji 皆 for 皆勤 - Perfect Attendance reverse 逓信省 - Ministry of Communications Original line drawing. 皆勤章 - Perfect Attendance Badge 男子用 - For Men Original case. 男子用 - For man 皆勤章 - Perfect...
  5. Ministry of Communications Long-service Badge (female version)/逓信省勤續章 (女子用)

    Obverse Symbol 〒 https://asiamedals.info/threads/symbol-of-japanese-post-yubin-maku-and-its-history.24108/ reverse 逓信省 - Ministry of Communications. Original description of the badge. 逓信省 - Ministry of Communications 勤續章 - Long-service Badge 女子用 - For Women
  6. Ministry of Communications Long-service Badge (male version)/逓信省勤續章 (男子用)

    Reverse 逓信省 - Ministry of Communications. Original description of the badge. Original case. Originally badge was sewed to the lodgement. 逓信省 - Ministry of Communications 勤續章 - Long-service Badge 男子用 - For Men Ink stamps on the edge.