
  1. Badges of Saga Prefecture Branch of Japan Disabled Veterans Association/佐賀県傷痍軍人会章

    No. 1659 Reverse 佐賀縣 - Saga Prefecture + punched number 1659.
  2. Cigarette Lighters of Japan Disabled Veterans Association/日本傷痍軍人会 ライター

    Zippo. 財団法人 - Foundation 兵庫県傷痍軍人会 - Hyōgo Prefecture Disabled Veterans Association
  3. Japanese Disabled Veterans Association Badge with kanji "身"/日本傷痍軍人会"身"章

    Another variant https://asiamedals.info/threads/japanese-disabled-veterans-association-badges-with-kanji.24005/ Photo courtesy of the owner. Obverse stylized kanji 身 - Body; Identity.
  4. "Maltese Cross" Badges of Japan Disabled Veterans Association/"マルタ十字 "大日本傷痍軍人會役員徽章

    Base metal. Size 48 x 22 mm. Reverse vertically 48年 = 1973 両陛下行章啓 - Their Majesties [Visit] Badge horizontally 功労章 - Merit Badge (財)日本傷痍軍人会 - Foundation Disabled Veterans Association Badge variation with green enamel. Photo courtesy of the owner.
  5. Badges of Saitama Prefecture Branch of Disabled Veterans Association/日本傷痍軍人会 埼玉県章

    No. 627 Reverse 埼玉県 - Saitama Prefecture 傷痍軍人会 - Disabled Veterans Association + punched number 627.
  6. Badge of Itabashi Branch of Tokyo Metropolitan Disabled Veterans Association/東京都傷痍軍人会板橋支部章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/badge-of-sumida-branch-of-tokyo-metropolitan-disabled-veterans-association.23809/ No.115 Obverse 東 for 東京 - Tokyo Reverse 東京都傷痍軍人会 - Tokyo Metropolitan Disabled Veterans Association 板橋支部 - Itabashi Branch https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Itabashi...
  7. Badges of Oita Prefecture Branch of Japan Disabled Veterans Association/大分県傷痍軍人会章

    No. 119 Emblem of the Oita Prefecture https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ōita_Prefecture in the center of obverse /stylized kanji 大 O of Oita in a circle form symbolizing friendship of the people and the development of the prefecture/.
  8. Japanese Disabled Veterans Association Badges with kanji "身"/日本傷痍軍人会"身"章

    No. 1102 Photo courtesy of the owner. Obverse 身 - Body; Identity. Correct positioning of the central medallion. See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/japanese-disabled-veterans-association-badge-with-kanji.24031/
  9. Badges of Yamaguchi Prefecture Branch of Japan Disabled Veterans Association/山口県傷痍軍人会章

    No. 10 Private collection. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse stylized 山口 for 山口県 - Yamaguchi Prefecture. Screw.
  10. Japanese Disabled Veterans Association Merit Badge/財団法人日本傷痍軍人会功労章

    1st variation "ungilded kanji 功勞". Obverse 功勞 - Merit reverse 財団法人 - Foundation 日本傷痍軍人会 - Japanese Disabled Veterans Association Original case. All known variations of this badge were manufactured by Tenkodo workshop in Kyoto...