2nd class order of saint vladimir with swords

  1. Orders of Saint Vladimir with Swords made by Unidentified Workshop during 1908-1917 time period

    Crosses of this unidentified (as for today) workshop have very peculiar iconography. 4th class Saint Vladimir order of flat "black" enamel with swords from 1908+ time period...
  2. 2nd class Order of Saint Vladimir with Swords of General Georg Edvard Ramsay

    Baron Georgy Eduardovich Ramsay /Swed. Georg Edvard Friherre Ramsay ; September 7 (19) , 1834 - July 5, 1918) was an infantry general, commander of the Life Guards of the 3rd Rifle Finnish Battalion in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878. He was wounded on October 12, 1877 in the battle of...