
  1. European-made Order of Precious Brilliant Golden Grain 1st Class Breast Star

    Silver, gilt, enamel. Size 105.5 mm. Most likely French-made.
  2. 1st class Order of Precious Brilliant Golden Grain awarded in 1920 to Italian Admiral Paolo Camillo Thaon di Revel

    See https://asiamedals.info/threads/1st-class-order-of-the-rising-sun-awarded-in-1918-to-the-1st-duke-of-the-sea-paolo-camillo-thaon-di-revel.28295/#post-365146 1st class orders of Precious Brilliant Golden Grain...
  3. 1st class Orders of Precious Brilliant Golden Grain/一等寳光嘉禾勲章

    1st variation. Full set. Case. 一等 - 1st class 寳光嘉禾勲章 - Order of Precious Brilliant Golden Grain