1942 naval engineering school watch fob

  1. 1942 Naval Engineering School 8th Regular Course Graduation Commemorative Watch Fob/1942年海軍工作學校第八期普通科卒業記念章

    Obverse 普練 - Regular Course/ Training reverse 海軍工作學校 - Naval Engineering School 第八期普通科 - 8th Regular Course 卒業記念 - Graduation Commemorative 工作術練習生 - Engineer Trainee 2602 - 1942 /Note that the last "2" is stamped/.
  2. 1942 Naval Engineering School 2nd Advanced Course Graduation Commemorative Watch Fob/紀元2602年海軍工作學校第二期高等科工作術練習生卒業記念章

    3rd Advanced Course Graduation Commemorative Watch Fob https://asiamedals.info/threads/nav...rse-graduation-commemorative-watch-fob.28614/ 4th Advanced Course Graduation Commemorative Watch Fob...