1. Award Medals from the Manchukuo Minister of Civil Affairs/民生部大臣贈表彰徽章

    Praise Medals /褒楊槳章/ 1939 Medal. Size appreximately 40 mm. Weight 29 g. Obverse 孝 - [to do one's] Filial Duty; [to show] Filial Piety; Obedience. reverse 大滿洲帝國 - Empire of Great Manchuria 褒楊槳章 - Praise/Commend Medal 康德六年九月 - September 1939 民生部大臣贈 - Presented by the Minister of...
  2. South Manchuria Railway Mudanjiang Bureau Watch Fobs/満牡円江鐵道局章

    1st variation. 満牡円江鐵道局 - South Manchuria Railway Mudanjiang Bureau https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mudanjiang 皇紀二六〇ー年 - 1941