
  1. Japanese Red Cross Medals in Wartime Cases

    Such cases are typical for the Japanese Red Cross Society medals and order that were issued sometime between 1938 and 1945. Case has silver kanjies https://asiamedals.info/threads/silver-kanji-vs-gold-kanji-lettering-on-the-lids-of-the-japanese-order-cases.26112/#post-362897 日本赤十字社 - Japanese...
  2. 1907 Japanese Red Cross Society Iwate Branch Nishiiwai District 2nd Annual Meeting Commemorative Badge/1907年日本赤十字社岩手支部西盤井郡委員部第弌回總會記念章

    Reverse 明治四十年五月十九日 - May 19, 1907 日本赤十字社 - Japanese Red Cross Society 岩手支部西盤井郡委員部 - Iwate [Prefecture] Branch Nishiiwai District Committee Member 第弌回總會 - 2nd Annual Meeting 記念 - Commemorative
  3. Japanese Red Cross Society 3rd Class Charity Badges/日本赤十字社三等篤志表章

    3rd Class Charity badges with mark ナ https://asiamedals.info/threads/japanese-red-cross-society-charity-badges-with-mark-na.28711/ 1st variation. Size 30 x 20 mm. Weight 5.2 g. Suspension obverse 三等篤志表章 - 3rd class Charity /Benevolence; Philanthropy/ Badge suspension reverse 日本赤十字社 -...
  4. Japanese Red Cross Society 2nd Class Charity Badges/日本赤十字社二等篤志表章

    1st variation. Suspension obverse 二等篤志表章 - 2nd class Charity /Benevolence; Philanthropy/ Badge suspension reverse 日本赤十字社 - Japanese Red Cross Society Original case. 二等篤志表章 - 2nd class Charity /Benevolence; Philanthropy/ Badge Edge of the case stamped with "2".
  5. Japanese Red Cross Society 1st Class Charity Badges/日本赤十字社一等篤志表章

    1st variation. Stamp of these badges are very close to the 1st class badges marked with ナ https://asiamedals.info/threads/japanese-red-cross-society-charity-badges-with-mark-na.28711/#post-366834 Suspension obverse 一等篤志表章 - 1st class Charity /Benevolence; Philanthropy/ Badge suspension...
  6. Japanese Red Cross Society Charity Badges/日本赤十字社篤志表章

    Original description of all three classes published in 1919. 篤志表章 - Charity /Benevolence; Philanthropy/ Badge 1st class charity badge has Imperial Phoenix at the top, imperial crests on both sides, and bamboo leaves at the bottom. The ring itself is in the shape of bamboo stalks. 1st class...
  7. Japanese Red Cross Society Charity Badges with mark ナ

    About mark ナ https://asiamedals.info/threads/mark-na-on-japanese-orders-and-medals-who-and-when.28707/ 3rd class badge. 三等篤志表章 - Third Class Charity Badge 日本赤十字社 - Japanese Red Cross Society Stamped mark ナ.
  8. 1906 Hokkaido Branch of Japanese Red Cross Society 2nd General Assembly Commemorative Watch Fob/1906年日本赤十字社北海道支部第二回總会記念章

    Size 27 mm. Obverse 記念 - Commemorative reverse 日本赤十字社 - Japanese Red Cross Society 北海道支部 - Hokkaido Branch 第弐回總會 - 2nd General Assembly 明治参拾九年九月弐拾四日 - September 24th, 1906
  9. Japanese Red Cross Society Emperor Enthronement Commemorative Watch Fob/日本赤十字社大典記念記念章

    Design is borrowed from the Japanese Red Cross Society medals https://asiamedals.info/threads/official-chart-of-orders-of-merit-and-membership-medals-of-the-japanese-red-cross-society.24344/ Reverse 大典記念 - Enthronement Commemorative
  10. 100th Anniversary of the Japanese Red Cross Society Shizuoka Prefecture Branch Commemorative Award Medal/静岡県支部日本赤十字社創立100周年記念賞章

    Obverse 賞 - Award reverse 日本赤十字社創立100周年記念 - 100th Anniversary of the Japanese Red Cross Society 日本赤十字社 - Japanese Red Cross Society 静岡県支部 - Shizuoka Prefecture Branch
  11. Japanese Red Cross Society Ibaraki Prefecture Branch Badge/日本赤十字社茨城県支部御徽章

    Reverse 茨城県支部 - Ibaraki Prefecture Branch Original plastic bag.
  12. Japanese Red Cross Society Toyama Branch Badge/日本赤十字社富山支部章

    Reverse 日本赤十字社 - Japanese Red Cross Society 富山支部 - Toyama Branch
  13. Japanese Red Cross Society Nurse Instructor Badge/日本赤十字社ナースインストラクター章

    Obverse Nurse 日本赤十字社 - Japanese Red Cross Society Instructor
  14. Arakawa Ward 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Japanese Red Cross Society Commemorative Medal/日本赤十字社創立荒川区百年祭記念章

    Reverse 日本赤十字社創立荒川区百年祭記念 - 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Japanese Red Cross Society Arakawa Ward Anniversary Commemorative 贈 - Gift 昭和五十三年 - 1978
  15. Japanese Red Cross Badge/日本赤十字社社員章

  16. Door Plaques of Japanese Red Cross Society/日本赤十字社章表札

    日本赤十字社 - Japanese Red Cross Society 正社員 - Regular Member; Full-time Member
  17. Japanese Red Cross Nishichikuma District 6th General Assembly Commemorative Compass Pendant/西筑摩郡委員部第六回總會紀念章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/japanese-red-cross-society-nagano-branch-shimotaka-county-committee-2nd-employee-meeting-commemorative-compass.27490/ Reverse 西筑摩郡 - Nishichikuma District 第六回總會紀念 - 6th General Assembly Commemorative 委員部 - Committee Member Nice quality...
  18. Japanese Red Cross Society 100th Anniversary Badge/日本赤十字社赤十字百年祭章

    Reverse 赤十字百年祭 - Centenary of the Red Cross
  19. Japanese Red Cross Society Ski Patrol Badge/スキーパトロール日本赤十字社章

    Obverse スキーパトロール - Ski Patrol
  20. Japanese Red Cross Society Badge-Brooch with Army Star/日本赤十字社軍隊章
