
  1. Miniature Groups with Japanese Orders and Medals

    This is a general thread. Specialized threads. Miniatures made by Sugimura workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/groups-of-miniatures-from-sugimura-workshop-tokyo.20727/ Miniatures made by Spink&Son...
  2. Official Miniatures from Decoration Bureau of Ministry of the Imperial Household /宮内省 賞勲局/ made by Sugimura Shoten /杉村商店製/

    Miniature groups from Sugimura workshop without Ministry of the Imperial Household labels could be found here https://asiamedals.info/threads/groups-of-miniatures-from-sugimura-workshop-tokyo.20727/ Interesting and rare example of pre-war miniature group that was officially ordered by...
  3. Groups of miniatures from Sugimura workshop, Tokyo

    Other products of this workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/badges-and-miniatures-by-sugimura-co-workshop-tokyo.22908/ Dark blue ribbon. You can even read the date on the bar! October 24, 1925 Original case.
  4. Miniature Groups with the Order of the Golden Kite

    Case. This group was made by Sugimura workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/groups-of-miniatures-from-sugimura-workshop-tokyo.20727/ 杉村商店 - Sugimura Shōten Very high quality of manufacturing.