
  1. Amabiki-kannon Merit Badge/雨引観音顕功章

    Size 25 mm. Weight 5.8 g. Obverse 雨引山 - Amabiki Mountain /Amabikiyama/ reverse 雨引観音顕功章 - Amabiki-kannon /Amabikisan Rakuhoji/ Merit Badge Said to have been constructed in the second year of Emperor Yomei (587) by Horindokushukoji from China, this temple of the Toyama sect of Shingon...
  2. Badges made by Fukoku Medal Works/富國徽章製作所

    Hino Heavy Industries Ltd. Long Service Badge. https://asiamedals.info/threads/hino-heavy-industries-ltd-long-service-badges.21658/